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Thursday, January 31, 2013


This weekend, I swear!, this weekend I shall update everything! It's been a busy week and today we even had a tornado touch down this morning and the school was notified at 8:11 or 8:12. So we ended up going to class early and sitting in the halls in tornado drill mode. then the 300 building, same place i was in for the tornado drill, had a leak in from the heavy rain that set off the fire alarms around the school. then two of the ceiling tiles fell and water flooded the hall. yeah today was really crazy. none of the classes really did anything schoolwork wise so it's been a free day for everyone pretty much. anyway, gotta go. got to go to class again.  church haha. i don't really care about going anymore. none of the lessons get taught cuz everyone is so loud......the class is going downhill since last year. more students but nothing getting done.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Artist of the Week 3: ZFive

In a rush so I don't have time to place information about ZFive! Sorry! Gomen! The next artist will be previewed in another post!

Friday, January 25, 2013


Updates will be coming this weekend. Things have been very busy this week. Sorry for the lack of activity. Please look forward to seeing another Daily Art Feed as well as a Artist of the Week.

Monday, January 21, 2013

100 View Mark Special!

Artist of the Week 2: ZiyoLing

Deviantartist: 8 years
Views: 1, 358, 673
Gallery: 332
Click the link if you want to see more of their work!

Next Artist of the Week: ZFive