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Monday, January 6, 2014

Kiriban! 4,200

The special will be done later. Please be patient as we catch up on things.

Late New Year's Special

*I will try and post a video for it. Hopefully this weekend if I'm not busy.*
* I don't have many pics due to lack of computer time*

Daily Art Feed 56


I know I said I'd try and do a New Year's Day update special on the blogs but something came up and I was unable to. :(
But, now I'm back and I am going to go ahead and do one for the blogs. It's four days late but I'm not the first to accidentally skip the New Year's special event.
I will say this: Happy New Year!
I do hope everyone was able to have a wonderful night and day.
Also, some things will be added to the Randomness blog we have for our stuff that are unrelated to the blogs. :3

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Sorry for not updating the past couple of days. It's been crazy here at home and I want to let you know that I will hopefully update either this afternoon or evening. Updates will be back to normal soon.